Signal Booster Immunostain

Signal Booster Immunostain


Signal Booster Immunostain is the signal ehancing cocktail desinged for immunostaining. The reagent enhances the signal and reduces background. “Signal Booster Immunostain” is consisted of three types cocktails. Each cocktail has a specialized formulation and shows different performance. The outline of each reagent is shown below, and please select best one for your purpose. Please refer to Manual for the detailed infromation for usage.
These products are obtained directly from us or from our distributors, B-Bridge International (US and Europe, CA) or Funakoshi(worldwide, JP)

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The main component of Signal Booster Immunostain is a certain polymer and proteins. These components change the surface physico-chemical properties of anitgens and antibodies, ehnhance the chance of encountering, and enhance the specific binding of antigen and antibody. By the same mechanism, these components reduce the non-specific binding and reduce background. As a result, you can get higher signal with lower background.

Product Characteristics

1. Stronger signal and lower background as compared to ordinary method
As compared to the ordinary method using detergent-containing buffer solution, you can get stronger signals, and lower background.

2. Wide variety of antibody can be used
The performence of Signal Booster Immunostain can be seen regardless the origin and subclass of the antibody as pronciple.

3. Easy to use
You can experience the performance by simply exchange the ordinary antibody-dilution buffer to “Signal Booster Immunostain” . For detail, please check Manual.

4. Low price
The product is more inexpensive as compared to similar products.

(Warning: Be aware that you may not get enhancing activity with certain antibodies.)

Product lineup and Price

Signal Booster Immunostain is consisted of following three solutions.

Solution F:The solution is desinged specially to reduce the background more, and suitable for observing the detail of preparations using relatively good antibodies.

Solution M:The solution shows the medium characteristics of Solution F and S, and suitable for first trial.

Solution S:The solution is designed to get more strong signal, and suitable for getting stronger signal regardless of relatively high background.

(Warning:The characteristics of each solution described is only the general one, the performance of each solution differ depending on the nature of antibodies you use. Please examine all the three solutions to select the best one.)

Product #Product nameContentPrice
BCL-ISSolution F、M、S set10mL each¥13,000
BCL-ISFSolution F20mL¥19,000
BCL-ISMSolution M20mL¥19,000
BCL-ISSSolution S20mL¥19,000

BCL-IS is the “Starter Kit” and suitable to select the best solution.


Q: How long does the product can be used?

At 4 ℃、you can use the product for over 1 year.

Q: Does the product can be used for both fluorecent and enzymatic detection?

Yes, you can use both method.

Q: How good as compared to other similar product?

As long as examined with fluorecsent probes, the enhancing ability Signal Booster Immunostain is better.  

Q: Can we use the product after dilution?

No, all the solutions are maximized for ther abilities as they are, and we do not garantee ability after dilution.

Experimental examaples

Experimental examples of Signal Booster Immunostain are shown in Examples, please refer to them.

Manual and MSDS

Manual and MSDS download form here

Manual MSDS(PEG)